We the People

An open letter to Carbon County attorney Alex Nixon, Montana residents
and every American citizen.
by Ray Allestad https://truthsocial.com/@armedglobal
It is with great anguish that I write this open letter as what I see could be my last resort to retain my freedom. Specifically for me, but by precedence for every American.
Last year I drove 9800 miles across this great country to pray for it. I prayed at city halls. “Welcome to” signs, court houses, churches, gathering places, police stations, traffic jams, playgrounds, markets, fire departments and parks. Wherever there were people, I met as many as I could and they are amazing. It was a once in a lifetime experience I have dreamed of to intentionally see this country, meet great people, pray for them and experience the diversity we have in our culture. Because of a zealous Carbon County Montana deputy, my life has been turned upside down and I have reason to fear for my physical safety. I have been targeted, humiliated and trashed on public record in Carbon County Montana.
My journey began at a small town in Washington State with a pastor who arranged to record my testimony in his church foyer. This is a common practice, but also a great way for a believer to share their own story. It’s common in church circles and can be a healing experience for the individual too. For some of this process I was interviewed. Along the way, a studio in Carbon County Montana arranged to edit and illustrate a preliminary version of that video with music and photos.
In the fall of 2023 , while on my journey to the Mexican border at Eagle Pass,Texas, I was sent a test link by the Montana studio that was working on this video for my own viewing. I proceeded to begin a process of first watching and considering the work started and then sharing it with a few people for feedback. It was clearly preliminary. Just days after, I received a call from a Carbon County Montana deputy regarding this exact video. I was told I could not make a video because it offended someone in Carbon County. A person had somehow obtained this video from a 4th party (or further). I don’t know why they had it, I did not direct, nor have any part in providing it to them. Niceties went out the window and I told the deputy that called me to harass me about my faith, that he could pound sand. The very thought that I cannot share my faith because of a 4th party was offended was so foreign to me. I assumed this was a dumb rookie deputy, so I took a heated moment to tell him about the massive liability he was putting on Carbon County for his crime. Regardless, he was effective in stopping me by squashing the freedom I had to simply see this county and pray for it, to share my story and travel without police intervention. I was livid but tried to contain myself. I tried with limited success.
I don’t have accusations. I have questions. I am addressing you publicly after you refuse to correspond in a manner that I believe is becoming of a public official. I was told I could not have a lawyer in an abbreviated Carbon County preceding and lost my rights. Without a lawyer, I found out through my own research, that Montana law allows for an appeal in the Supreme Court for injustices that occur. But only for 30 days. By law I understand it’s too late to appeal. But by law, my government cannot conspire to take my rights as an American either. I literally write this as my last resort to seek justice.
Not only do I not wish to spend the estimated six figure attorney fees to defend myself in a Montana court, it clearly is not a place I would expect a fair outcome anyway. It seems broken because of a severe lack of constitutional knowledge and accountability. I will accept my sentence and resort to simply asking questions to get the truth. Mr. Nixon I will not stop until we have it.
These are my specific questions for you:
Why would a Carbon County deputy be inclined to call me on my personal phone, specifically while on a journey to pray for America just to question and harass me for sharing my faith?
Why after raising concerns of his crime to your office did you sign off on his behavior?
Why did the Carbon County substitute court temporary representative assigned to this ignore that those who testified against me were the same cult members that that allegedly “are working with” a second Carbon County deputy to take away my guns? I told her. (this deputy’s name is In the courts records and he is a past staff member of the witness). That same witness committed blatant perjury regrading the taking of the life of another person, has threatened my family physically and testified in that meeting to providing loaded weapons to the plaintiff to kill me. Since my guns were taken by the testimony of these same people, I am threatened. This has the appearance of an elaborate conspiracy to commit murder case. The statute of limitations may be up but it seems to me, it’s still ongoing since the court is not only protecting but supporting these individuals after taking my guns. A deputy has been named and connected to this. It’s in the courts records in the testimony against me. It’s my understanding that Conspiracy to Commit murder is a felony in Montana that carries a sentence of life in prison so it seems worth looking to.
Regarding my video, it’s none of your business or the Sheriff’s deputies business what it contains or if I make it for that matter. I don’t know if it was the quotes from Billy Graham, the story of the sex offender police officers landing in jail, the account of the Absarokee cult leader that threatened my family, my challenge to Jordan Peterson, the missionary in the strip bar, my account of the Twitter bird disappearing, or perhaps he was just trying to disrupt my trip to Eagle Pass Texas to pray. Was it my view of the upcoming American election process? Was it the story about me praying for Donald Trump and his family since the mid 1990’s? Isn’t it ironic that with the current justice system failures on every level, I sort of know how he feels right now. Regardless, you can butt right out.
I resided in Carbon County as a young man and Stillwater County for several years as an adult. While there I was actively involved in my community as much as I could be. I owned a few small business like Allestad Transport, hauling farm equipment across the state. LP-LP a propane company serving Stillwater, Carbon, Sweetgrass and Yellowstone counties. Bison Portable Buildings, (SHED HAPPENS) in
Park City and I developed some small real estate projects. When I retired and moved to Hawaii, I said many sad goodbyes to thousands of friends and customers. Montana is one of the rare places where business is commonly done with a handshake and a smile. Many of my customers ended up being my friends. I worked hard, was far from perfect, but to my knowledge I never had a single unhappy customer. As far as it was up to me, I worked with 100% integrity and honesty. My customers and friends first, but a good name and my word are my most cherished possessions. . Why is there an effort in the first place, and why such a concerted effort by Carbon County to tarnish my name?
One more question Mr. Nixon, why, after a documented formal request by me to your office, are you withholding the phone conversation of the Carbon County deputy that harassed me for sharing my faith? It seems he redacted his statements and then testified against me in a court of law just for being who I am.
Answer me.
Ray Allestad